Today I received confirmation from Google AdSense and I posted some advertisers on the left side. Don’t hate me, it’s just an experiment to see how AdSense works for the Romanian public. I do not hope to get rich from your clicks and I hope you click on the banners only if you are interested. I am just curious!
I will let you know, though, when I make 1 mil. $!
Ciprian a zis
you received confirmation from Google AdSense but you posted some advertisers to the right side.
Salute you!
martha pintilie a zis
I see no advertisng from google 🙂 How was the experiment ? From my experience, clicks within english content are paid very well, much much better then within romanian content.
Adrian Monoranu a zis
Este vb de fostul blog de pe Blogger. Deocamdata aici nu am postat nimic. Pe vremea aia postam in engleza special ca sa-mi pot pune adsense fiindca nu era disponibil pentru romana. Pe varianta asta vreau sa optez pentru publictate directa. O sa apara probabil niste bannere. Deocamdata mai astept sa cresc ca trafic.