Listen to this, then laugh, then kill your stupid friends! Scris de Adrian Monoranu pe 25 aprilie, 2007 Un comentariu More from my siteIncepe scoala cu Palas Mall! (P)3 moduri sigure de a-ti pierde angajatii in 2019.Diferenta dintre pasiune si experienta.Cum si de ce a castigat Stefan Stan la Vocea Romaniei?De ce sa NU scrii un blog, adica NU.Vel Pitar + social media = orice numai love nu! FacebookLinkedInTwitter
catalina a zis 25 mai, 2007 la ora 8:07 am Is that possible? Oh my God! They have blond brains… This is unbelievable… LMAO!!!! Hundreds of times… Răspunde
catalina a zis
Is that possible? Oh my God! They have blond brains… This is unbelievable… LMAO!!!! Hundreds of times…