Here is the new spot for the new Skoda Fabia. It looks tasty! I’ll let you judge the car …
The new slogan is very interesting though. „Skoda. Manufacturer of happy drivers!”
Marketing in cuvinte si imagini
Blogul lui Adrian Monoranu
Scris de Adrian Monoranu pe 4 comentarii
Here is the new spot for the new Skoda Fabia. It looks tasty! I’ll let you judge the car …
The new slogan is very interesting though. „Skoda. Manufacturer of happy drivers!”
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claudia_olaru a zis
Tasty indeed 🙂
Reminds me of „The Sound of music”… Julie Andrews… ;;)
dani a zis
urata masinuta..
Tomek a zis
Mniam.. .:)
Bogdan a zis
aceasta este masina ciclop … sau mai bine spus femeia barbat …. e urata in draci cu siguranta nu va avea nici jumatate din succesul modelului precedent.
Uitati un pic la modelul combi: