Every day we hear lots of new words around us. Sometimes we are curious to find out what they mean, and sometimes we even adopt them in our vocabulary. Latlely we encounter a lot of new web based words. When we talk about nouns there’s no problem but some of these words turned into verbs. The most appropriate example is „google” and „to google”. I have no problem with that because it’s much more easier to say „i googled my name” that „i searched my name on the internet by google”. My question is, why are we using google and not yahoo, or msn live. Clearly it’s because of its popularity and indirectly because of its marketshare.
Ok, where am I going with this? I was thinking just a couple of minutes ago, what if we created new words for other actions that we do. For example driving. Why don’t we say „I toyoted to work today!”. Or instead of listening to music „I i-poded for a half an hour!” After all Toyota is the no 1 car manufacturer in the world and the I-pod has an absolut record of sales in its market. Why not? Arguments?
PS. Pentru cei din Romania, avem si noi preluarile noastre. Remember „adidasi” in loc de pantofi sport?
Probably the main issue is that the market changes so frequently in the car industry and mp3 players, that even if they are widely known, not everyone has access to it. Google, on the other hand is widely accepted as the best search engine and everybody has access to it. So I don;t think it is a problem of market-share, but a problem of accessibility.
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