A few days ago I was pointing out a campaign from Zapp and I was warning you that CNA should bann this commercial due to the fact that it’s a comparison with the main competitors and in Romania this kind of practice is forbindden. This morning I was reading my feeds and I found out that the CNA cut off the airing of the clip until some necessary changes are made. The official reasons are here but I think that the CNA took action due to some warnings from the competitors in the industry. Those of you who have my ym id in your list probably remember a status message that I was using when I wrote the article. „CNA are you sleeping?” Well, it seems that after all they woke up. I have nothing against Zapp and their product, even more I salute the courage of airing a commercial with such a pronounced comparative character, but I was a wating for this move from Orange, Vodafone and Cosmote. I wonder how this fight would have looked if the laws in Romania would permit comparative commercials. 🙂
ana placinta a zis
it’s a bit from both things.
– one is the fact that indeed the message was obviously missleading the consumer (in fact this is the most obvious). honestly, i don’t know how the media pro allowed this airing as they are ridiculosly strict in these regards… based on some personal experince 😀
– the second is perhaps what you are presuming, the competitors response. though they should not fear this campaign, I’ve got a strong belief that the consumers didn’t bite this. the whole campaign seems fake, partly due to the message and partly to the blur that zapped overlayed on its brand (i didn’t see a rebranding campaign…did you?)
from my pov this campaign is a total failure of communication. things could have gone a lot more better.
Adrian Monoranu a zis
@ana placinta: Of course there is no rebranding campaign and this confuses the consumer more than he already is. On such a competitive market like telecom there are so many ways to differentiate and they chose the complete wrong one. The only thing that is different and obvious is the colour yellow that they are using. 🙂 They needed that because the risk
I was also wondering how media concerns agreed to air this commercial but my answer (allthough it’s just a hunch) is that TV stations are not sanctioned because of it’s missleading or comparative character.
ana placinta a zis
yes, they are. all the TV commercials aired must be in complete accordance with the legistlation otherwise „the all-mighty CNA” will knock at their doors…& that sounds like trouble.
this kind of mistakes are harder to track. moreover the advertising agency and the legal dept from Zapp should have been aware of this.
Andrei Bugeac a zis
Do you think laws should allow comparative commecials?Might not be such a good idea…
Adrian Monoranu a zis
@ana placinta:
Maybe it’s the crissis that made them look the over way. 🙂
Adrian Monoranu a zis
It seems that the old tagline „Vorbesti fara sa platesti!” has already been recycled into „Vorbesti si primesti!” Fast move! And it doesn’t sound so bad. Maybe they anticipated and they were prepared. I’m wondering though, why didn’t they go with this one from the beggining? :O
ana placinta a zis
@Adrian Monoranu no I think it was too tricky the content and they didn’t bother to read it carefully…or who knows.
well, the 2nd line is quite vague and as a marketer you can easily fall in the trap of being way too obvious (make the logo bigger, but a red color on the offer etc) 😀
Ioana a zis
Umm…what’s going on? English flu here and there? :p
Or maybe practicing so we don’t get rusty?
Silvestra a zis
I haven’t noticed an incentive for Zapp’s rebranding…I don’t even think this was their intention…if we consider the data and voice plans,the image they promote remained the same;it may be that they have thought of a new image only for the prepaid product.
Adrian Monoranu a zis
Anyway, they changed the tagline but now it doesn’t communicate the initial brand promise (No Pay). They rushed into changing the tagline but did they consider its impact on the brand promise?
Web design a zis
I very much prefer the US to Romania when talking about advertising. We really can’t have a local Apple vs. PC commercial here in Romania.
How about an ad that says
„Objective: crush Adidas” (old objective by Nike)
In Romania no such thing is possible.
Andrei a zis
I like advertising in Netherlands, Germany, USA.
They can to do this very good!