This winter vacation, as you probably already know I was in Moieciu. For those of you who don’t know where that is … maybe Bran sounds more familiar. Well, during my time there I couldn’t help not noticing a brand with a name that sounded a bit strange. I am talking about LeFruMarin. First time, I heard it on a radio commercial and the first thing that came to my mind was seafood. Suprisingly it has nothing to do with that. It’s a meat processer and a meat product fabricant. OK, one might say that seafood can also pass as meat but this company has nothing to do with that. They are working with pork, beef and maybe chiken (I’m not entirely sure). You can find more stuff about the company on their official website here.
I was wondering about the choosing of this weird name and the sole answer that came into my mind was that … maybe, at some point in their history, they used to process seafood. Otherwise, I think it is a very bad choice because it has nothing to do with meat processing. Anyway, even with the history answer, it still is a very bad name because it has a pronounced conotation on everything seafood stands for. Probably on a regional market where the consumers already know the brand and the products this is not such a big problem. On a much greater scale, judging by the fact that markets are continously expading and every brand owner should think about going national or even international, this name is a very risky one. People like me, who don’t know anything about the brand can exlude it from the evoked set only because it sounds like seafood. I don’t like seafood so probably this brand would sound very unattractive for someone like me. But this is my personal oppinion. Other might think diffrently, after all, we still live in a free country … or do we? 🙂
Anuk a zis
I cannot believe that i spent a few seconds trying to figure out the right pronunciation of this name 🙂
The only problem is that, well, that „le” makes you think of a French name… which is not, coz the company is Romanian…
But, as a friend of mine used to say, „What’s in a name? that which we call a rose/By any other name would smell as sweet;”
Think of Dove – i am having a hard time finding the connection between the bird and the soap. Would it be the „one-fourth cleansing cream that moisturizes the skin”?
Sure, for „Depozitul de calculatoare” the name was brilliantly chosen, but in many cases, it really doesn’t matter.
Web design a zis
„Depozitul de calculatoare”‘s name is pure marketing. Their prices are high-high-high. I actually think that they refer to the quality of their services when they say „warehouse”.
Backontopic 🙂 , Lefrumarin it’s a lovely name, even if it’s cheating a bit. I love their sound.
It’s a bit long though.
Adrian Monoranu a zis
@Web design: I appreciate your interest for my blog and your on-topic comments. You probably wonder why I have deleted your outgoing link. Well, let’s just say that I had a discussion in the past with a guy who was promoting his erotic e-shop this way. I used to delete his links and he stated that others do that and I approved their links just because those were not pornografic related. So I promised that I would not allow any advertising links other than blogs. 🙂 Sorry! I didn’t delete it on this comment though. 🙂
otel beton a zis
The name doesn’t really matter as long as it’s not something gross or displeasant. In my opinion, Lefrumarin sounds great and it can work for selling other products rather than seafood. At least if you’re not french.
thepixelmaker a zis
Numele vine de la Legume Fructe Marin (the boss) – acum stiti si cum au inceput
Adrian Monoranu a zis
@thepixelmaker: Thx for the info. I guess it’s a classic thingie for romanian business that started in the midd 90’s to have names inspired by the owners’ names of their family members. If the brand is powerfull maybe it’s not such a bad idea to keep it but since they changed their business orientation it might not be the best choice. As I stated in the post, what if they try to go national. The consumer will not give a rat’s ass on the „fruit-vegetable” past and the owners’ name. Maybe they should have chosen to build a new brand by eliminating „lefru” and replacing it with something that says „meat” more obvious. But this is my point of view …