When I started this blogging thing there was a very popular trend going on. I am talkinig about the „leapsa”. It used to be nice to be challanged to do or write something but it seems that lately it has become obsolete. I found a „leapsa” on Roxana Radu‘s blog and although I was not tagged I am accepting it and throwing it further. You have to do the following things.
1. Go to the 4th folder in your computer where you store your pictures.
2. Pick the 4th picture in that folder.
3. Explain the picture.
4. Tag 4 people to do the same!
This is the picture that I found by following the rules stated upon. It’s a picture took in may 2004 and it shows a group of students from my first generation since I became a professor at the university. Although almost 5 years have passed it seems like it was yesterday. You can also see me somewhere in the back and I bet I can pass as a student, no questions asked. 🙂 I enjoyed doing this „leapsa” and I must tell you that after I searched this picture, I spent 2 hours looking at pictures that I’ve almost forgotten. Nice „leapsa”. I hope you’ll enjoy it also. My tagg goes to Adi, Ioana, Proro and Ciprian.
R.R a zis
Id to choose 4 … and ive chosen people who never post photos of themselfs … sort of …
Alex a zis
Hehehe! What a small world! I think I recognise some 3 people from the photo. Great guys all of them!
Ioana a zis
Dau si eu mai departe. :d
P.S. Imi parea mie cunoscut studentul in costum din fata si nu stiam de unde…era de la Airbites.:)
Adrian Monoranu a zis
@Ioana. Nu e de la Airbites, e de la Inoras.ro 🙂
Ioana a zis
Eram ferm convinsa ca e el…
Marius-Andrei a zis
Nu stiam de jocul asta…dar a fost fun cand am descoperit ca poza in cauza e o poza cu vechea sigla asdMARK. In momentul acela mi-am adus aminte de momentul in care am intrat eu in asociatie…si uite unde am ajuns. Cate-odata te si minunezi de lucrurile pe care le-ai facut… Tnx Mono!
Marius-Andrei a zis
Momentul…momentul 😛
Dragosh a zis
„Leapsa” is like any other temporary product. It was very good for that moment, but it sucks now.
Marina a zis
Salut. Fain joc, fain blog, faini oameni pe aici.. Adrian, as dori sa te adaug la lista de bloguri de pe site-ul cotidianului Flacara Iasului http://www.flacarais.ro Te rog sa-mi trimiti un email daca esti interesat. Multumesc
Adrian Monoranu a zis
@Marina Nu pot sa nu fiu de acord atat timp cat mentionarea mea in blogroll imi va aduce vizitatori. Cu toate astea, as dori sa precizez ca acest site este sub o licenta Common Rights si detin drepturile exclusive asupra continutului ceea ce inseamna ca daca doriti sa preluati informatii de aici ar trebui sa precizati sursa de fiecare data. 😉
Costin Oane a zis
Only memory remains…
marius a zis
adrian, cred ca era vorba doar de schimb de linkuri :D.
Marina a zis
Da, Marius are dreptate. E doar vorba de schimb de linkuri.
Adrian Monoranu a zis
nu e problema. eu am spus doar ca sunt deschis si catre preluare de continut atat timp cat se mentioneaza sursa. just in case you want to do that. 🙂
Marina a zis
Ok Adrian! There you go http://www.flacarais.ro.. lista continua!