For the last two weeks since I’ve first seen this TVC ‘ve been trying to understand its message. Of course, they’re trying to focus on taste and this is probably why the main caracters are 2 tongues. Also the eye character is meant to mark the difference between what you see and what you get. In other words „You’ll never know what it tastes like untill you try it. Of course it says Coke Zero but it tastes the same”.
I think Coke is trying in vain to convince the audience that the taste is the same. Everyone who has ever tried the Zero Coke knows it’s not the same. I think the main competitor, Pepsi Max, has a much better message although it’s a bit old. Of course you remember „Maximum taste, no sugar!”. Actually, the taste of Pepsi Max and Coke Zero is quite the same but anyone can understand that Pepsi is not lying to its consumers. In my opinion, Coke makes a mistake that will make it to the marketing mistakes books. A brand should never lie to its customers. There won’t anyone to lie on a second ocasion.
And another thing. These two tongues … they kinda remind me of these two guys. Can you see a resemblance? The two tongues – the boss and the thug and the lemons the slick and the looser. Maybe it’s just a coincidence. 🙂
[…] o dau mai departe? Să n-o dau? O dau către Dany şi către Mono (că tot se întreba el „what the fuck happened with […]
Bungust a zis
Hai sa fim seriosi! Are un gust de dat cu mucii-n fasole.
mihai vintila a zis
Reclama este infiorator de proasta !
Coca Cola uneori omoara ideile bune cu realizari proaste.
Asta e una dintre ele.
Denisa a zis
Both the commercials are idiotic, with a „plus” for the disgusting tongues that make you everything but thirsty and craving for Coke. It may, however, make you buy once, but, as you said, promoting an advantage that doesn’t exist will make users become skeptical towards every new Coca Cola product. I don’t think that average sells and popularity will be affected, though, it is too much of a symbol to be left out or disregarded.
George a zis
„personajele” nu au nici cea mai mica legatura cu barbatii(piata tinta). Si mi se pare chiar gretos sa vezi un barbat cum linge o sticla de cola….pornind de la premisa ca personajul „limba” este barbat, dar ma rog…daca asa vad cei de la Coca-Cola
Adrian Monoranu a zis
@George: I never thought that he two characters represent two males and certainly I didn’t think about one guy licking a bottle. Man that is really … yukkkk!
George a zis
avand in vedere vocile celor doua personaje, nu cred ca sunt reprezentate de o femeie, iar daca privim cu atentie una dintre cele 2 ” limbi” chiar se plimba pe sticla..:)) la modul asta am interpretat reclama, care mi se pare total inadecvata…
serban a zis
e groaznica…
SuperAnk a zis
:)))))))reclama asta…nu-mi inspira decat dezgust!
cea de la pepsi twist lemon,in schimb,imi place la nebunie.
macar e amuzanta.cum zicea cineva mai sus:
Coca-Cola uneori omoara ideile bune cu realizari proaste 😐