I guess today was a busy day. I had 2 meetings at school, an exam, blogmeet and a JCI meeting followed by a visit to a photo exhibition. I think what happened at school is pretty boring so I’ll tell about the blogmeet, JCI and photo show. First the blogmeet. It was nice and cozy. There were no more than 12 persons and that facilitated a better communication. So we talked about our activity, blogs and tweets. I think the most important thing is the soon to come IasiTwest (Iasi Twestival). Me and Haipa offerd to organize and you will soon find out when and where it will be held. Most probably it will be somewhere between the 16th and the 23rd of february. I estimate a number of 60 to 70 participants but I am telling right now that this event will be with firm confirmations. You will find out the details soon enough. Poze de la blogmeet gasiti la Bogdan si pe flickr-ul lui.
After the blogmeet I went to the JCI meeting. That was nice but I found out that I already knew some of the guys and girls there. JCI sounds nice but I haven’t decided yet. I learned about 2 events that are about to happen. I think I’ll attend one of them for sure because the second one is not so well timed and I can’t make it.
The photo exhibition was something that was really not on my schedule but it was really nice. I met two of my ex-students there displaying their work, Suzana and Alex. Nice pictures guys! Congrats! I can’t wait for your personal exhibitions soon! Keep up the good work!
Alex a zis
10x for being there:)
Ariel a zis
Si tu ai fost acolo dupa intalnirea de la Mamma Mia? Nu te-am mai zarit… ciudat.
IA(SI)VEZI a zis
poze si aici http://iasivezi.blogspot.com/2009/02/blogmeet-iasi.html
Suzana a zis
Multumim pentru incurajare 🙂
Adrian Monoranu a zis
@Ariel: Nici eu. 🙁
ala a zis
mi-a placut cum ai schimbato din engleza in romana… la treaba aia cu pozele.
Adrian Monoranu a zis
@ala: da da sunt tare dibace. :))) mi-e lene sa schimb. e mai cool asa. bilingv.=))