I think you already know that Redds is a beer specialy created for women. Oh, you didn’t? Ah, yeah I remember, their last TV commercial didn’t say that very clear. As I was saying back then people might get confused and this is not a very good positioning statement to use. I wasn’t the only guy to blow the horn and I think the market showed our point also. I am not saying that Redds is not a succesfull product. Oh but it is! Only that its succes is not on the desired core target. Although it is a beer for women, men drink it more and are willing to replace full flavour beers with this lemon beer which is not bad at all. This is why Ursus Breweries decides to communicate its positioning statement once more, only this time more focused and crystal clear. Women, women, women!
You’ll probably wonder why is the fact that men drink this beer wrong. After all Redds has a larger market share. Weeeeeell, ain’t that cute? But it’s WROOOOONG! Why is it wrong? Simple. Because men will not increase their usage rate and this means that traditional market segments will reduce with the exact percent that Redds increseas. And since, Redds is not a premium or super-premium beer this means less money in the bank for the producer. Ursus needs to win back the men so the first step is done. Redds is a beer for women so let then enjoy it. I am waiting for the next step. 😉
Wana a zis
1. Target: who sets it? If it were for a beauty product I would say: yeap, the ad does it to more than 70% extent. Let’s bear in mind that it is beer we are talking about here and let’s discuss the gender issue to beer motivation. The beer consumer is not easy to fool. Although social consume is important, he will try Redds, but if it does not taste right, hasta la vista baby – regardless of what the ad is telling him to do. So, unless the Romanian market has all turned gay (hihihihii), the men are not drinking “wrong”.
2. Market Share: I think Redds has its own place under the sun without cannibalising anything. It is the “appetizer” beer. “No strings attached” beer if you like.
3. Usage rate: I think Ursus can sleep like a baby. Usage rate for a Redds is low. How many of it can and would you drink per night? You might have one when eating a heavy meal or you might have one or two in the pub (Redds is not a long run beer, c’moon)
4. Redds: for God’s sake, Redds is a lemonade balloony. I am a female and I would not drink it in million years. I might not be a typical beer consumer (only drink Guinness), but no ad in the world would make me drink that stuff if I do not like it.
Adrian Monoranu a zis
@Wana: C’mon. You know it better than me that you are an exception. I think your point of view is highly subjective and I say that because I know you. Most women don’t like the beer taste and this is why Redds comes as a interesting alternative. The funny thing is that Redds is not a light beer and this is why men would not say NO to this lemonade balloony. Becks Lemon is light but Redds has 4,5 degrees and this is almost the same as most beers in RO that circle around 5. Men who are tired of classic beer taste try this and stick with it and trust me, you’ll be surprised to see how many men I notice buying this beer in bars and even supermarkets. I hear Ursus has taken in consideration the 2L „pet” version but this new communication strategy says the opposite. I guess we’ll just drink and see. 🙂
Wana a zis
Point taken.
How about sharing a sample around April 10th? I plan to come to Iasi and touch base 🙂
Adrian Monoranu a zis
Well, it sounds really nice but … I’m serving FEAA in Piatra Neamt exaclty on April 10th. The good news is that I will be in Iasi by 7 o’clock that evening. So, if you’ll still be in Iasi call me. 🙂 Can’t wait!
SuperAnk a zis
Weeeeeell, ain’t that cute? But it’s WROOOOONG! :)))))
2 stupid dogs :))))right?:))))
you are right…it should adress men 2:D
I hate beer>:) but i love this one :>
P.S. u seem very familiar :-?? i think