Recently „work and travel” companies have diversified their product and are now offering programes for Greece. Since, there is a good labour market there and students are interested to go there it would be a pitty not to exploit it. Contracts are cheaper and it’s closer to home, plus, those who are affraid of flying can choose to reach their destination by bus or by boat if we are talking about the greek islands.
Anyway, product diversification has also a bad turn that seems to pass unnoticed by most of the students. Even I didn’t think of this until a few days ago when I saw a big billboard inside the university that was saying „Work in Greece” and on top you could easily spot a very big headline that said „GO TO SUA”. Now this is not the best thing to show people because it’s a bit confusing. Of course the student does not choose to go someplace to work judging by the headline but it looks weird. I mean, wouldn’t it be nicer just to place the logo without explaining everybody what it means?
I could say the same about the main competitor on the market, American Experience. Their logo is more like a logotip that combines a sign with their written name. They also have diversified their product and are now offering programes in Greece. I wonder how their posters and billboards will look like. 🙂
I wrote this post just to show you how a very good name like GTS or American Experience can get a weird turn because of product diversification. My suggestion … use brand or line extensions! 😉
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