This is a post about my presence in Roblogfest 2009. Although I really wanted to attend the party, due to its unfortunate date I had to say pass once again. This morning I woke up an turned on the TV and surprisingly they were showing the results from Roblogfest. This means that blogging is somehow accepted to be an important activity and our Fest a noticeable event.
As I expected, I haven’t won anything but, compared to last year I have qualified for the second round in the category which I was interested the most – Best Media and Advertising Blog. Along with specialized blogs I competed shoulder to shoulder and I got to the 13th position out of 29. This is quite unexpected for me but I am very happy regarding the fact that this was a category that was judged by a jury and not by votes of the readers.
The fatidique 13 comes againg into my attention when I checked my rankings in The Most Sexy Microblogger category. Again on the 13th postion out of 22 with exactly 13 votes. :)) The funny thing is that I am writing this post today and it’s the 13th of March. Weird hah?
Finally, I would like to thank everyone who voted for me in the latter category and the judges for the former category. Thanks and vote for me also in 2010! 🙂
Madalin Matica a zis
La anul da tema obligatorie studentilor sa te voteze:) Nu de alta dar se practica metoda de vote-begging. Glumesc desigur cunoscandu-ti principiile .
Seminarista a zis
eu le-am zis la cateva grupe sa te voteze. pacat ca tinerele noastre nu prea sunt internaute (net egal numai mess…). s-au oferit insa sa faca miting de suport offline pentru tine, eventual cu aruncare de sutiene in fata la corpul B. does that count? se poate organiza la anul:D…
felicitari pentru locul din Best Media si Advertising Blog Category, e o pozitie excelenta.
Adrian Monoranu a zis
@Seminarista: I am not seeking for offline suport. Not interested in bras and meetings. As I very often state, this blog has nothing to do with my job.
OanaBee a zis
Absolut. E lucru stiut ca studentele se pricep doar sa dea sign in pe mess si sa se dezbrace in fata corpului B pentru un prof mai tinerel. Bine gandit. E fain totusi ca exista seminariste care incearca sa le mai bage mintile in cap. Mono, felicitari pentru 13-ele de la Best Media and Advertising blog si ma bucur sa stiu ca aduce si noroc din cand in cand.