This weekend I evaded from Iasi and went to Durau with a serious intention to climb the Ceahlau mountain. Sunday morning was very sunny so we started on our journey. We reached the Duruitoarea waterfall and then all hell broke loose. First heavy rain, then a thunder storm and on top of that HAIL. Big one! And we ran! Fell, ran, fell and ran again! After 45 minutes of runing and falling we made it back to the resort. Wet, muddy and soar! And I had a panic attack. My arms went numb all of a sudden. It was terrible. The good thing is that I cleared my mind of all bad things, since I cursed a lot :)). Just kidding! It was a good lesson. There are harder things in life than work or … work. Survival is the most extreme adventure. Try it sometime! After that work will seem much easier!
And now, back to work!
Iza a zis
Si eu am supravietzuit si mi-am invatzat lectia. Poate ca povestile acelea cum ca trebuie sa urci un munte pentru a vedea viatza cat de cat altfel nu sunt chiar atat de banale. Mie una mi-a placut sa vad lumea de la o inaltime de 1908m. Deocamdata e singura inaltime la care am ajuns si sper sa nu ma opresc aici.