Felicitari asdMARK! Anul trecut credeam ca s-a pierdut traditia de a organiza acest eveniment pentru ca nu s-a facut editia din 2011. Dar iata ca se fac doua editii in 2012. Una de primavara si una de iarna. Foarte tare! Ce ma bucur!!! Parca acum eram in focul organizarii primei editii din 2008. Of of, […]
Twestival Iasi Update
We have decided to affiliate pur event to the ww one so it will take place on the 12th of february (that’s next thursday) at 7 p.m. at CCS in the foyer. (Casa de Cultura a Studentilor in foaier). You can register here with your twitter profile but you can also bring a friend or […]
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