Last night we had Brand VIEW at Back Door. Brands, drinks, steaming conversations! I liked it and I hope that everybody did. Considering that it was our first meeting I think it went well, although there were just a few guys who wanted to speak. I hope that in the future I will shut up more and others will show us their point of view. I have recieved a viable suggestion from Adrian. We should all sit at the same table so that we could see and hear each other better. I am also looking forward to read your comments about the event.
Thank you all for coming and I hope we will meet again soon. Until next time, keep on branding!
I liked it too. M-am bucurat sa aud ca in Iasi are loc o astfel de intalnire. Ai dreptate ca ar fi trebuit sa vorbeasca mai multa lume… aici puteai interveni tu in momentele in care devia conversatia…. dar daca va exista o data viitoare (sper) atunci nu vom repeta greselile facute. Poate cu timpul avem si invitati si se vor tine work-shop-uri saptamanal. Dar pana atunci cred ca mai avem de progresat (cel putin eu)… keep on branding!
imi pare rau ca nu am putut veni, sper sa primesc o invitatie si data viitoare 🙂
si mie imi pare rau …a intervenit ceva in ultimult moment.
Si citisem niste chestii faine legate de personal branding.
sper sa ne vedem data viitoare!
Va astept! Probabil cam in trei saptamani!