Yesterday I’ve returned from Bucharest. As usual I was very enthusiastic when I left Iasi but this time Bucharest sucked. BIG TIME! Every time I go to Bucharest I see new things, new people, new opinions, but this time it really sucked. Nothing new! Same old Bucharest with a few more buildings but nothing special. I must say that this time I was driving and this can be very anoying, not because of the over drivers (which I find quite nice) but because of the distances. Every time I wanted to go somewhere it took me at least 15 min. And that was during the night. I went to see the Tunning Days event at Otopeni and it took me 2 hours to get there from Plaza Mall. It was crazy. From this point of view living in a smaller city is far better.
I visited a catholic church for the first time in my life and I liked it. Not so different from the orthodox ones that I’ve visited. I even attended the service and that wasn’t much different either. This might sound a bit crazy … a 27 year old guy never visited a catholic church before … but I must tell you that I am not much of a church lover anyway. This one I liked. Esspecialy the part with „sharing the love”!
I intended to move to Bucharest for the summer but after this short visit I think I’ll pass. Maybe I should concentrate more on Iasi because even if we are so far behind, we have so much potential.
So, Bucharest, untill next time, stay clean!
Well next time give me a call/buzz. I didn’t know you were in town.
Sorry Stefan, didn’t have time. I was always on the run, but next time be sure that I will buzz u and we’ll meet over a cup of coffee (even if I’m not a coffee enthusiast …)!
Maybe sooner than expected!
See you!
hey there Monorane,
for a party animal (if you dont mind my little metaphor)that you are :), your statement surprises me.
All right, Bucharest sucks: lots of garbage, it takes you forever to go somewhere..but dont judge it only by these criteria..cause you might miss the best part.
Bucharest means freaky subway, strange people, dirt, old buildings but also great night life, excitiment, opportunities, fast flowing blood. So, it depends on what you want from life. If you’re waiting for retirement…better keep a easy profile then.
Just kidding the last part…
Bucharest fits me, Iasi never did. So i think its the best argument for me.
PS: Iti dadeam o bere daca ziceai ca vii….plusam peste cafea 😉
PS2: Sa-ti traiasca aia mica 🙂