A few weeks ago I went to a club that I frequently USED to visit and I found out there were some changes. It seems they have a new policy. There’s a minimum 50 RON spending level if you wanna go in. And that is only if you are a guy. What the f*@k is that? At first I thought it’s a temporary thing beacuse it was very crouded, but next week the same thing. Judging by the prices inside it’s kinda difficult to spend 50 RON if you are willing to stay for an hour and esspecialy if you are not a drinker. Because I live far away I am always driving and that makes me a non-drinker more often than a drinker. What can I spend 50 RON on, in one hour?
5 Redbulls – that will certainly keep me pumped up all night
5-6 Non Alcoholic Cocktails – that would really make look gay (not that I have something against this group of people, but i really wouldn’t like people to think I am one of them, since I am not)
10 Cokes – still pumped up!
5 Non-Alcoholic beers – I would probably spend more time in the toillet than in the club
3 Bacardi Breezers (even if it has some traces of alcohol) – …. if only they had it :((
etc. etc.
Now think about it for a second. Does this financial criteria stand when you are trying to make a good segmentation on your market. I think not! There are many ways to attract heavy users. There are even cool ways to drive away non-spenders. But that involves marketing knowledge. Anyway, my conclusion is that the loyal customer is not encouraged at all to come back. Why is that? Hmm, there’s a number of reasons:
1. Anybody with 50 Ron in his pocket can go in and step on your shoes
2. You always get to wait for 20 minutes at the bar to get something to drink because there is always someone next to you who yells louder than you.
3. You get to feel everyone’s elbows untill you get to the bathroom (where you have to wait some more)
You can always get a table, hmm, but there is no difference cause everybody would still go back and forth near you. And that only costs you a bottle of vodka or whiskey. My appologies, you can get a table in the VIP section upstairs, but wait there’s more fun involved. Oh, no, … I forgot, from there you can’t see a thing. And you still have to go to the bathroom and get some drinks spilled on your shirt or pants. Cool!
Why not make everybody buy a ticket like in the really big clubs in Bucharest? This seems a lot more reasonable. If you want to attract high spenders that put a compulsory fee of 30 Ron with no drinks included and see the difference. I would gladly pay that because I think there’s less chances that I will get some drinks spilled on my shirt or my toes stepped on.
There are lots of people who used to go there and now they don’t just because of that. Most of them high-spenders. People who don’t give a f*@k about 50 Ron.
Good marketing! Congratulations!
You are right about some things, but wrong on some other things.
I was a sceptic myself about the “50 ron policy”, but now, after 3 weeks, I’ve kind of changed my mind. Why?
Let’s see some facts:
BEFORE 50RON Policy:
Friday: 50-70% (kind of boring) 80%men, 20%women
Saturday: 150 – 190% (extra-mega-super FULL) 60%men, 40%women
AFTER 50RON Policy: [short term]
Friday: 100% (FULL) 60%men, 40%women
Saturday: 110% (FULL) 30-40%men, 60-70%women
AFTER 50RON Policy: [long term]
I couldn’t say, but I guess that if the things are going in an unwanted direction (ex: 50-60% full on Saturday) then, the “50RON Policy” will be retreated, and we’ll get back to the “BEFORE” configuration.
Only the men pays the 50RON, so, if you come with a opposite sex partener (female) [or pick up one in the club], it’s not so hard to spend the money. If you drink alcohol, it’s even easier: 2xJack&RedBull. Plus: the men pays 50RON, but no one says the money must come from your pocket. Your female partner could pay for you!!! [I’m shure you worth it!]
You are right about the heavy users. They might wanna spend 1000RON this Saturday, but only 20RON the ne one.
You are right about “Anybody with 50 Ron in his pocket can go in and step on your shoes”.
“You always get to wait for 20 minutes at the bar to get something to drink because there is always someone next to you who yells louder than you” – this situation is permanent in this club. 2 Bartenders – 200 persons. If 200 persons order 400 drinks in 2 hours this means 100drinks/bartender/hour. Impossible.
Well, what about “lots of people who used to go there and now they don’t just because of that”? Trust me, most of them are there on Friday.
Judging by the facts you showed anyone can clearly see that you speak for the persons which visit clubs for drinking and picking up women. Well, not everybody does that! I, and not only I, go there to meet my friends, have a beer, talk, dance in a civilized manner.
I like a club where you can move to the right or to the left without thinking that you might spill someone’s drink or step on his/her shoes!
And another thing … 110% full! Yeah you’re right, a 110% full of anoying kids and women hungry frustrated men. Try going there with your girlfriend… I’m sure she will have a blast when 50 guys will try to touch and grab her when she passes by.
Come on! This is not civilized people! It turned into a jungle!