Hello everyone!
I am writing this in english because some people who were there today might read my blog and they don’t understand romanian. I am really tired because after the conference i had a bad-traffic experience in Bucharest so I won’t be very long. I just wanted you all to know that I am very happy to have had the chance to attend such great presentations. It was very insightfull and I am truly impressed. I promise I will write more about the event tomorrow night and I’m sure that Adi Mironescu will do the same. Unfortunatelly we were not able to do some live blogging because wifi is very expensive at Marriott (about 12 $/ 30 min). Actually I am happy that we didn’t because we were able to pay attention to the presentations. We also got the book and I can’t wait to read it. I had a look at the overview and it seems quite interesting.
Anyway, I got to meet Florian, Andrew, Alexander and Lori. Pictures will be available soon. I am very excited and I hope that in the future I will have the chance to meet such extraordinary people. I am sorry that Allen Adamson couldn’t be there with us fisically but he saw him through a video conference and it was pretty cool. Us in Bucharest and him in New York. OK, I’ll leave you now and stay tuned for more information tomorrow!
Grigoriu Ioana a zis
Super…As fi vrut sa castig si eu, dar de data asta nu s-a putut.
Astept sa publici un articol mai detaliat, pentru ca mi-ai starnit curiozitatea asupra a ceea ce s-a intamplat la Brand Simple. 🙂