If you were to change a decision you took in the past what would that decision be? And did you ever think that there is one thing you could have done that would have changed your life totally?
When I used to be a little kid and I did something wrong, I used to go to my room and imagine how things would have been if I didn’t mess up. And anywhere my thoughts would go I always came to the conclusion that messing up was not such a bad thing. Because everytime I messed up something good would happen afterwards.
Now I don’t think about turning back time and correct what I did wrong in the past. I guess carpe diem is a good slogan after all. If I could live my life all over again I would make the exact same decisions that I made in the past. Sometimes I wonder how my life would have been if I would have gone to Bucharest to study instead of Iasi. Probably I would still be just the way I am today but with a different accent :). But what about the great persons that I’ve met in Iasi? What about my one true love? Who would that be? What about my job, my friends, the places that I go everyday? Would them still be the same without me? Probably not.
What if I didn’t go to Turkey this summer? I wouldn’t have met Lina, Julia, Ece and all the nice people that I’ve met there.
If you think back into your past and you find out someday that you could change something would you still change it? Knowing that it could affect everything else you do or did untill then.
Would you …
andiP a zis
😀 sincer nu cred ca as schimba nimic!Si cred ca fiecare dintre noi a vrut macar pentru o clipa sa schimbe ceva in trecut…pana la urma e mai bineasa rau cum e :P!
Oana a zis
Looking back, I wouldn’t change anything in my life. But I have a curiosity, though…what would you have liked to become, if not a professor at the university? Everybody has an „aditional” job, to say so, one close to his heart. I am not talking about regrets here, to clear this up. 🙂 Just in terms of „What others…”
Adrian Monoranu a zis
This is exactly the point. I don’t know what I would vahe become. When I was a little boy I dreamt about becoming a history teacher but if you asked me about becoming a teacher after I graduated college my answer would have been „Hell NO!”.
I think I would have had my own business.
Loredana a zis
Adrian, nu pot sa fiu de acord cu tine.
Carpe diem este un slogan foarte bun… pana la un punct. Carpe diem implica sa nu iti cumperi o casa… o masina… sa nu faci credite pentru diverse alte achizitii, sa nu mergi la o agentie sa iti rezervi bilet pentru… Turcia sa spunem 🙂
Eu am un principiu foarte bun: „Multumeste-te cu ce ai, dar doreste-ti mai mult”
Si asta se leaga intr-un fel de subiectul tau. Sunt multumita de ce sunt, de cum am ajuns, nu regret nimic, dar… daca mi s-ar oferi sansa sa ma intorc cred ca as schimba cate ceva: o vorba spusa la nervi cuiva, un mesaj transmis eronat… lucruri marunte dar care fac diferenta.
Adrian Monoranu a zis
Loredana, uneori o vorba spusa la manie sau un mesaj trimis eronat pot arata adevarata fata a unei persoane. Sunt lucruri pe care nu le afli niciodata despre cineva decat in aceste momente. Astfel ai putea sa vezi cine sunt cu adevarat prietenii si dusmanii pe care ii ai. Cat despre casa si masina, mda ai dreptate, nu sunt exact suprapuse cu Carpe Diem, dar ca sa poti trai clipa, uneori tre sa ai si resurse 😀