Lately, I haven’t been posting in english but today seems like a good day for english, so here goes. I see there’s a great deal of interest on some people’s blog, about Kinder’s campaings. Mainly for the Bueno sub-brand. It seems that they change their way to communicate the brand. So, everybody asks if this new approach would be more efficient. I wonder if this change comes with a new positioning strategy. It is very clear for everybody that the old message it’s about friends who enjoy a good energizing desert. The new one it’s about more romantic, sensual feelings. One might think there’s a dramatic change in the product also. I tried it and … no change. Neither the packaging. Now I’ve read someplace that this spot it’s not so new and it was used in 2005 in other Easter Europe countries, such as the Czech Republic or Hungary. I guess it was time for a change also in Romania. (Do we have reasons to believe that romanian consumers are 2 years behind other easter Europe consumers? 🙂 ).
Why this dramatic change? Were sales going down? Did the consumer ask for a change? Acctually, I don’t know but i think there’s a simple answer. Kinder wants the Bueno out of the kids segment. Cristal clear! Other brands like Pingui, Joy, Milch Schnitte, or Happy Hippo have a good positioning in the kids segment. Bueno, Delice and Chocolate are not so well positioned so they need a new strategy. If you check out Kinder’s website you’ll find a very good description of the market segments but that’s it. No more communication needed?
Kinder promotes mainly three brands: Joy, Bueno and from time to time Pingui. What about the others? Is in-store advertising sufficient? Or maybe competition is not so aggresive on these markets? Hmm! I don’t think so. In exchange, I think that Kinder should communicate more the differences and less the brands. This will grant them acces to some markets that are controled by Nestle or Mars.
Maybe I’m wrong, but this is why I’m asking what do you think?
Carina a zis
Pana acum Kinder a avut doar reclame de lansare a unor produse sau de intretinere. Si nici astea foarte dese. Si totusi, nu cred ca stau prost la capitolul vanzari. E putin ciudat faptul ca o ciocolata numita Kinder (care te duce cu gandul la copii) targeteaza adultii. Dar e ciudat… eu nu ma gandeam pana acum la Kinder Bueno ca la o ciocolata din gama Kinder. Acel Bueno imi capta toata atentia 🙂
Razvan a zis
Super reclama Bueno. Si pe langa faptul ca brandul Kinder este extrem de promovat (prin toate reclamele de produs), remarc bugetele tot mai mari ale Ferrero pe piata romaneasca. Chiar zilele trecute am vazut si reclama la Nutella, ceea ce inseamna ceva…
sarjiulica a zis
e nostim … afara orice reclama trimite un mesa catre copii, in momentul inc are aunge in romania :)) (pt ca nu sunt copii, ci doar mosnegi)se baga o senorita focoasa:)) e… „BUNA SI INTELIGENTA” 😛
oanabee a zis
Total nepotrivit.Pana si pe site-ul Kinder, Bueno este prezentat exact ca un produs pentru copii (si ma refer aici strict la grafica, pentru ca mesajul scris clar nu se adreseaza kinderilor- pastrarea siluetei sau gustare dietetica din ciocolata, etc.)Care ar fi motivul pentru care au scos aceasta reclama care ne debusoleaza?Pentru ca grupul tinta nu a inteles la ce foloseste. Femeile cumpara Kinder Bueno pentru copiii lor, iar femeilor fatale nici prin gand nu le trece sa dea banii pe asa ceva.Reclama cu tinerii pe partie nu viza si femeile sexy cu rochite rosii si buze voluptoase.
oanabee a zis
A! Si de unde stiti ca nu au scazut vanzarile la Bueno? Nu vbesc de vanzarile Kinder, atentie…