What is it about being a „brander” that everybody is so into it? This is a question that has been running in my mind for a couple of days. I am trying to come up with an answer but it seems really difficult. Could it be because it’s fashionable to talk about it, could it be because you have a lot of liberty or could it be because you get to decide the future of a product? I think there are „branders” that fit in every category listed above.
Being a brander means knowing a lot of marketing. Strategic marketing! And let’s not forget … marketing research! Probably you wonder what’s my point with this post? It’s simple. This wednesday at BrandVIEW, I was told that marketing graduates are not well prepared and agencies have difficulties in communicating with them. Ok, point taken!
My question is: how many of the guys and girls who consider themselfs strategic planners and branders have ever wondered that maybe they are the ones with a communication problem?
Maybe we don’t educate branders or strategic planners but we sure educate damn good marketers!
All those in favor raise your „K” key chains!
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