A few months ago, Toni Delaco was visiting a school somewhere in Romania and was stating a clear message „eat cheese!” Children were absolutely charmed by his bodybuilder thug and this helped him make it to the second clip :). Now Toni Delaco uses his thugs to testrun Delco products (processed cheese with different flavours) and it seems that they like them. Esspecialy the „Ementeral” version! :))
The last spot, that showed the gang at school created a fuss at the time because some people thought that it was not an appropriate association because of the current situation created by violence in schools. Presenting a mafia like gang, even if it’s a „cheese mafia” was thought to be dangerous. Still the TVC continued to be aired and people liked it. Now Toni and his gang decide to test other products like I said before and this generates another funny situation. His bodybuilder goon likes the emmentaler flavour but he can’t get the name right. Of course the boss quickly corrects him and states his personal preference. So far so good. Everything is really funny, esspecialy the way they suck up to Toni in the end by agreeing that the pressed cheese is the best flavour even if they had different choices in the beginning. Actually this might not be the best way to end this commercial because it clearly recommends one flavour against others and this could have an effect on sales. On the other hand, some people might like the goon better and buy the „ementeral” flavour just because of that. Anyway, sucking up to the boss is a natural mafia like behaviour and it’s expected to happen.
Since we’ve seen so many of these mobsters movies lately it’s easy to understand why Delaco chose this communication concept. There is only one question that comes into my mind. Would the consumer find himself in these characters and will this make him/her buy Delaco products? Well, I guess that’s 2 questions … 🙂
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