Prezenta mea in online, in adevaratul sens al cuvantului, a inceput in decembrie 2006 cand mi-am deschis blogul Marketing in cuvinte si imagini. A urmat contul de Twitter, integrarea cu Facebook, LinkedIN, Youtube si aproape toate retelele sociale existente. Fenomenul web 2.0 m-a fascinat imediat si de atunci am tot inceput sa acumulez. Pentru ca […]
Link your business by Ziarul de Iasi and ODO – soon
Well, my friends, it seems that Iasi is becoming more and more active in online. There is a pretty strong Facebook comunity, numerous Twitter users, a specific business network –, a soon to come social network Byonik and many many online projects that started in Iasi and are now much more evolved. People become […]
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