Well, my friends, it seems that Iasi is becoming more and more active in online. There is a pretty strong Facebook comunity, numerous Twitter users, a specific business network – Iasinet.ro, a soon to come social network Byonik and many many online projects that started in Iasi and are now much more evolved. People become more interested in what online marketing means and this is very good. There is also a group – ODO – that was created about 10 months ago by Krumel, Ciprian Gavriliu and Marius Alexa with a declared goal of bringing together people that are involved in online: web developers, designers, online marketers and entrepreneurs.
Last but not least, Iasi is the hometown of IMTO, the first conference about internet that will soon reach its second edition. Untill then there is another conference that arises. Ziarul de Iasi in association with ODO (Oameni din Online) is announcing Link Your Business at Hotel Unirea Iasi on March 26th. There is an impressive list of speakers and I’m sure a great deal of information to share. Organizers have asked me to moderate the event and I accepted because I think I can add some value to this event due to the fact that I have also moderated the last edition of IMTO and I have seriously learned a lot about what it takes to have a streamlined event with a tight schedule.
Here’s the official description of the event:
Ziarul de Iasi impreuna cu asociatia Oameni din Online organizează prima editie a conferintei „Link Your Business” dedicata promovarii oportunitatilor de afaceri pe care le ofera mediul online.
Conferinta este structurata in doua sectiuni. La sectiunea de dimineata participarea este publica si se face pe baza unei rezervari prealabile si achitarii unei taxe de 30 de lei. La sectiunea de dupa-amiaza participarea se face exclusiv pe baza de invitatie.
Evenimentul este structurat astfel incit sa abordeze intr-un mod sistematic principalii pasi pe care trebuie sa-i parcurga un antreprenor pentru a construi o afacere in mediul online sau pentru a extinde pe Internet o afacere deja existenta in mediul offline.
Conferinta isi propune sa ofere raspunsuri la intrebari de tipul: Cum procedez pentru a avea un site? ; Ce trebuie sa contina un site si cum trebuie organizat? ; Cum atragi si mentii vizitatorii?;Cum folosesti motoarele de cautare pentru a aduce vizitatori?; Cum vinzi online?.
In contextul unui mediu economic tot mai dificil mediul online oferă o gamă larga de solutii pentru dezvoltarea sau construirea unei afaceri profitabile, cu un efort financiar minim.
The event addresses entreprenerus, marketers, brand managers, executives, students and journalists and it’s main objectives are to educate the business comunity in Iasi and to offer basic information about online marketing and online entrepreneurship. As I previously said, the list of speakers is impressive: Marius Alexa, Adrian Mironescu, Gabriel „Krumel” Curcudel, Cristian Ignat, Alex Volocaru, Oliviu Matei and Marius Ursache. In the end, a presentation from ARBO Media Interactive will show the public a brief situation of the online advertising market, trends and volumes in 2008.
Official advertising campaign starts today and will be online but also offline so if are not a very big fan of the internet you can aslo hear about it on the radio, see on TV, read in the papers and so on!
Serj a zis
ahhh, ce frumos, in sfarsit se ia atitudine in privinta dezvoltarii pietei romanesti prin intermediul internetului.. ALELUIA!
Adrian Monoranu a zis
@Serj: It’s important that this kinf of events are taking place also in other cities than Bucharest.
Mihaela a zis
Buna seara, am o mica mare intrebare: pentru „sectiunea de dimineata”, unde pot merge sa-mi fac rezervare?
Evenimentul in sine mi se pare formidabil!
Mihaela a zis
Am citit acum mai multe despre eveniment si am gasit informatia de care aveam nevoie.