I have just finished evaluating my students’ projects and have posted the results on their portal and groups. Some of them are very likely to be unsatisfied and most of them hate me right now. But, there has to come a time like this in everyone’s life. And now my thoughts.
1. This semester I had my first seminar at a masters’ programe. It was nice, I’ve met some new people and also got in touch with other ways to look at the whole learning thing. Grades were not very high but neither was the quality of the papers I received. I think the Gauss curve was just about right. Anyway, even if we are talking about a Master Programe, students’ mentality is the same as the undergraduate students’, with a few exceptions.
2. I’ve also conducted for the fifth year in a row my Direct Marketing Seminar with the undergraduate students which was nice but when it came to listening to my advice they kinda failed. Not all of them of course, but many. This is why the grades at this object have reached an alltime low. I think it’s the lack of interest and this is very sad since Direct Marketing is all about developing skills and seems to be very helpfull regardless the carrier they choose.
I am looking forward for the next semester when I’ll get to meet the second year students and introduce them to the universe of Promotions. Also, I will be meeting the third year undergraduate students (part of them) which will be attending the Logistics seminar. I guess that’s that! Good luck with the exams people! And don’t forget to have fun!
ntz ntz ntz 🙁 speechless
Surprised to find out you disliked the paper. We’ll screw „image copy” up for selling cheap s**t.:))(to start with a not-so-funny-joke). So what could be the cause of low quality projects handed in by students? (talking ‘bout the master programme, don’t give a **** about the others)
@OanaBee: I think one of the causes is my poor explanation of the tasks and I assume that. Secondly, I think it’s the lack of interest and absence of secondary research and individual study. In other words … start reading books! DO NOT TAKE THE PROFESSOR AS YOUR MAIN AND ONLY SOURCE OF INFORMATION!
Another cause that leaded to grades’ „shrinkage” could be that presentations usualy look a lot better than the written form of the tasks.
My goodness..my grades suck. But I’ll turn my anger into motivation for next semester :)). Hopefully, I won’t fail.
Do i not deserve an answer?
I know you won’t fail as long as you won’t quit!
@Mono Hope I won’t turn out to be feeble 🙂
I think there are many variables that led to this outcome you were talking about. Even so, for better results, maybe you should consider allowing students to build their own teams in the future (sure…in real life you won’t have this opportunity, but at least in real life they’ll have to face one, or two, or whatever..interviews). We are to talk about secondary research when primary information (the course..of..course) is accurate and challenging. Some teachers should have realised it’s high time they said buh bye. Inappropriate place to have this discussion, soooo…Period.
Come on, give them a break. They’re trying. In my case, I’d really love to read more, research, but there’s hardly enough time.