Millennium Bank is one of the biggest spenders in romanian advertising. Due to its recent ice break on the romanian banking market, massive investement in advertising campaigns was necessary. So they spent a lot. Weather it was succesfull I’ll let you evaluate. Anyway, due to severe financial crisis they cut off some of their budgets but still there are some money stashed away for a new campaign. And of course, just like the other banks they promote the opposite of credits and loans, the bank deposit.
It seems that the spot is made by GMP and it has been uploaded on youtube under the name „Where do you keep your money?”. Spot description says „tips and tricks on how to hide your money inside de house” and my guess is they want to go viral. Unfortunately they uploaded this on the GMP channel when I think it would have been more apropriate to create a new channel for the bank itself. Anyway, the tips and tricks are presented by an old woman with a traditional romanian twist but some of them are borrowed from american movies. Overall the spot is really funny but regarding its viral potential I have some doubts. Teasers have more viral potential then spots that state a clear brand message.
You’ll probably say that since I write about it the viral potential has just gone up and you are probably right since I’ll post a link to my post on twitter and facebook. 🙂 I am curious how many times I’ll see this post mentioned on twitter or other social media.
not bad at all.
who directed it?
It’s from GMP but I don’t know who the director was. 🙁
It’s nice and vintage, but the final with the painting is not so impresive…